No.  Course  Course Code Module Handbook
1.  Management Principle  4062123001 open
2.  Introduction of Political Science 4062123002 open 
3  Intreduciton of Public Adminsitration  4062123007 open 
4  Indonesian Law System  4062122009 open 
5  Law of Public Administration 4062123008 open 
6  Introduction of Social Statistic  4062122010 open 
7  Public Administration System of Indonesia  4062123014 open
8  Organization Theory 4062123015 open
9  Public Policy 4062123016 open 
10  Human Resource Management in Public Sector 4062123023 open
11  Administration of Development  4062123019 open
12  Social Statistic  4062112020 open
13  Comparative Public Administration System 4062112021 open
14  Organizarional Behaviour  4062112022 open
15  Office Administration  4062123023 open
16  Bureaucracy  4062112024 open
17  Communication  4061112026 open
18  Public Relation  4061112025 open
19  Local Government Administration  4062123027 open
20  Management Information System  4062113028 open
21  Research Method  4062123029 open
22  Leadership 4062123030 open
23  Human Resource Planning  4062112031 open
24  Officer Development  4062112032 open
25  State Financial Administration  4062133033 open
26  Reform of Public Administration  4062123023 open
27  State/Region-Owned Enterprises Management  4062112035 open
28  Implementation Study  4062123036 open
29  Decision Making  4062112039 open
30  Political Economy  4062112040 open 
31  Development Planning  4062123041 open 
32  Officer Compensation  4061112037 open
33  Firing Off Officer  4062112038 open
34  Issue and Urban Policy 4061112043 open
35  Development and Education  4062133046 open
36  Issue and Local Autonomy Policy 4061112045 open
37  Electronic Government  4061112042 open 
38  Public Administration Ethics  4062133046 open
39  Policy Evaluation  4062112047 open
40  Public Administration Theory 4062133048 open
41  Public Service  4062112049 open
42  Strategic Management  4062113050 open
43  Administration Research Methodology  4062113051 open
44  Conflict Management  4062113052 open
45  Public Policy Analysis 6320103009 open
46  Enterpreneurship 0002212008 open
47  Job Analysis 6320103009 open
48  Public Service Issues 4061112055 open
49  Participation and Social Empowerment 4062113058 open
50  Corporate Social Responsibility  4062113058 open
51  Education Policy  4061112061 open
52  Management of Education Services  4061112060 open
53  Autonomy and Inter-Regional Cooperation  4061112061 open
54  Seminar on Public Administration  4062112062 open
55  Education Policy Reform  4062112063 open
56  Public Organization Performance  4062112064 open
57  Education Decentralization  4062112065 open